World of Awe (1995)
Artist: Yael Kanarek
3D Graphics
In this piece the viewer is allowed to take a journey. It is piece that is concerned with digital culture, storytelling, and languages. As the viewer was are invited to see a traveler's journal that tells us of the journey we are about to embark on:
"Through a portal on 419 East 6th street in Manhattan, a traveler crosses into the parallel world called Sunset/Sunrise, to search for a lost treasure. But the treasure keeps relocating. How do you nail a moving target? What is the treasure? Read the travelogs and love letters in the traveler's laptop.
Every world has its physical properties: Sunset/Sunrise is a desert terrain. It's a world but not necessarily a planet. Possibly round or flat or both, or neither. Time is suspended at dawn or dusk. Death is undefined. Sometimes, long shadows travel around, as the main light source (perhaps a sun) glides below the horizon, but never across it. Gravity is optional. Water is optional and an algorithm replaces thirst. Eating is minimal. Like a graveyard for all the hardware and software ever created, objects from Earth end up in Sunset/Sunrise. The traveler steps into a minefield, explodes and reconstructs oneself. No mail system. No wireless. Love letters are written and left behind."
We then follow through from "forever" to "destruction and mending", and finally to "Object of Desire". On the site we are also allowed to view a collection of selected works from the artist that I think are a good example of what the artist is trying to get through with the created world and journey. The different images all speak of a place that is not our own, physically. They are digital works that take us to the digital realm in all of it's glory.
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